

Catholic prayer book in Polish, owned by Katarzyna Knoll.

In 1863, the first church was built in Nanticoke, the First Presbyterian Church. Over the years, as different ethnic groups settled into Nanticoke, primarily to work in the coal mines, they often built their own churches in order to have services in their own language and to maintain their cultural traditions.  St. Francis, for example, built in 1874, was the Irish Church. St. Stanislaus, built in 1893, was the Polish church, the first Polish Catholic Church in the diocese (more would be built in Nanticoke as the population increased).  Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church was founded in 1912.

At its height, Nanticoke had 22 churches as well as a synagogue. The map below shows the locations of the churches along with a current (2018) photo of the building. Blue indicates that the building is still an active place of worship; green indicates that the building is being used for a difference purpose (social services organization, private home) or is vacant.

Resources for further study:

Celebrating One Hundred Years, 1901-2001: Saint Mary of Czestochowa Church, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania. Nanticoke, Pa.: St. Mary of Czestochowa Church, 2002.

50th Anniversary, 1912-1962. Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Catholic Church, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 1962.

St. Francis Church, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania: 100th Anniversary 1874-1974. S.I.: publisher not identified, 1974.

The 100th Anniversary of the Granting of the Charter to the First United Methodist Church, Nanticoke, Pa, 1875-1975. Wilkes-Barre, PA: Offset Print. and Pub. Co, 1975.

100th Anniversary, 1875-1975, St. Stanislaus Parish, Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 1975.